In The Be Real Game students learn how a person's career is based on the everyday choices and decisions an individual makes. These choices/decisions begin in childhood and encompass every facet of life, including family, friends, education, recreational activities, lifestyle choices, community involvement and dealing with labour market conditions.
As the students role-play various employment, unemployment and family situations, they explore the importance of transferable skills, self-knowledge, lifelong learning and the primacy of career planning to achieving satisfying, fulfilling lives. They are exposed to dozens of occupational possibilities and are actively encouraged to pursue and realise their dreams. Young people benefit by recognising and appreciating the pathway options open to them and becoming more confident about making decisions that will have an impact on their future lives.
The Be Real Game enables students to:
- discover unique personal skills and talents;
- build, reinforce and maintain a positive self-concept;
- see how school subjects and extracurricular interests are directly related to future life and work roles, and how furthering knowledge and skills opens doors to new opportunities;
- explore financial management and budgeting, and appreciate the link between education and training, income and lifestyle aspects such as time available for family, community and leisure;
- practise a range of teamwork, problem-solving, decision-making and communication skills, and develop effective work habits in multiple life/work roles;
- explore diverse work and community roles and discover what aspects of these roles bring most satisfaction;
- appreciate the links and find a balance between work and broader life roles, including the dynamics of building, living in and contributing to a family and community;
- explore the impact of chance events and learn how it feels to lose a job through no fault of one's own, and how to convert adversity into opportunity;
- develop work search and creation skills, and effective personal marketing and time management skills; and
- make judicious choices regarding school and other aspects of life, feel more in control of decisions, and move positively and with enthusiasm towards their personal future